Dedicated to elevating human wisdom and knowledge production, the Server Art Foundation brings together a wide range of social connections with the elite groups from the fields of art, science, philosophy, and humanities. The Foundation aims to create boundary-pushing space where rational thinking and perceptual experience unite, communicate and integrate, and inquire into the significance of art, science, and philosophy in terms of human existence.  


The Server Art Foundation will initiate an interdisciplinary, multimedia communication platform, i.e. the In & Out Commune . Dialogues, seminars, forums across disciplines are expected to be held on a regular basis in a variety of forms including close-door/public meetings in addition to online/offline communications in hope of constantly updating and pushing the boundaries and visions of knowledge and ideology of modern society. 


Based on the contemporary, international, and original attributes of art, the Server Art Foundation is committed to exploring the connotations and values of contemporary art in a global context. With a new model of collecting and discovering the prominent contemporary art, the Foundation also attempts to promote the continuous development of contemporary Chinese art, which is embedded in the components of mankind knowledge, cultural roots, historical context contemporary Chinese art.